How a Ranch Used OneSpare to Gain National Exposure

About White Stallion

White Stallion Ranch is an award-winning guest ranch outside of Tucson, Arizona. Russell True, the owner, inherited the 55-year family business and has since turned it into a ranch resort, adding facilities like a pool, tennis court, and spa. He, along with his six family members, manage the ranch’s daily operations and call the ranch their home.

Russell True, OwnerWhite Stallion Ranch

The Challenge

On a typical week, Russell received 3-5 donation requests from charities. Being a generous businessman, he wanted to help his community and donate to everyone. However, it was important to him to vet the requests to ensure the organizations were credible. In order to have time to do so, he limited his giving to the Tucson and Phoenix area – which placed bounds on his much-valued exposure.

The Decision

In November 2019, Russell received an email about OneSpare. He was immediately intrigued. A free platform that would qualify his donation requests and give him professional exposure on a national level was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. After requesting a demo and walking through the logistics, Russell felt assured that it was a win-win for him and his business. “If you have one spare room, why wouldn’t you want to do this?” He thought.

The Results

After 3 months on OneSpare, Russell saw his national exposure skyrocket. He was promoted to over 4,300 nonprofit supporters with 65% being outside of Arizona. Today, he continues to be a top performer on the platform.


White Stallion was promoted to 4,325 gala attendees.

Geographic Reach

65% of events that promoted White Stallion were out of state.

Time Saved

Russell estimates that OneSpare saves him about 20 hours/month.

“OneSpare has provided us an easy platform to do all the things we wanted to do but felt were beyond our scope of time and effort.”

– Russell True

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